Tuesday, November 29, 2022
HomeWineKSVY to Broadcast Dwell from the North Coast Wine Business Expo

KSVY to Broadcast Dwell from the North Coast Wine Business Expo

WIN Expo on the Sonoma County Fairgrounds on Dec. 1, 2022

November 29, 2022 – KSVY will broadcast reside from the North Coast Wine Business Expo (WIN Expo) on December 1. From 11am to 1pm. This 12 months would be the tenth anniversary of the WIN Expo, the most important wine trade occasion on the North Coast, and marks the primary time will probably be broadcast reside.

The printed will likely be hosted by Leslie Hennessy, a 54-year veteran of the wine trade and host of the weekly present “Wine Round with Hennessy” on KSVY and Ronny Joe Grooms, Director of Programming & Communications at KSVY. 

The printed will embrace interviews with convention audio system and attendees in addition to a presentation of this 12 months’s WINnovation Award winners – the award for excellence in wine trade innovation.

Should you can’t attend the WIN Expo in particular person, tune into KSVY 93.1 FM or pay attention on-line at ksvy.org to listen to from wine trade insiders.

About North Coast Wine Business Expo (WIN Expo)

The WIN Expo is the most important wine trade commerce present and convention on California’s North Coast drawing about 300 exhibitors and 1000’s of wine trade professionals from Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake and Marin Counties. The WIN Expo options 4 convention tracks the place consultants share their experience in winemaking, viticulture, advertising and marketing, and enterprise administration.

The WIN Expo is produced by Wine Business Community (WIN) and will likely be celebrating its tenth anniversary version on Dec. 1, 2022 on the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa.

About KSVY Sonoma 91.3 FM

KSVY is a non-commercial group radio station for the advantage of the Sonoma Valley, operated by Sonoma Valley Neighborhood Communications which is a registered 501c-3 nonprofit group funded fully by listener contributions, grants, and sponsor underwriting. KSVY receives no help from the Company for Public Broadcasting and isn’t affiliated with NPR. www.ksvy.org.

For extra info, photographs, or interview requests, please contact Ronny Joe Grooms at [email protected]



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